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Draft Minutes, November 17, 2011
Meeting Minutes- draft
Thursday, November 17, 2011
7:00 pm
120 Washington St.
Salem, Ma

In Attendance:          Cindy Keegan (Chair), Jeff  Barz-Snell (Vice Chair), Jenna Ide, Adam Segal, Rick Nye, Jeff Brandt, John Hayes
Members not in attendance: Rob DeRosier
City Staff: Paul Marquis
Public: Peter Carlton, Kevan Keegan
  • Meeting called to order at 7:07 PM
  • October 2011 meeting minutes approved with minor changes. As requested by Jeff Barz-Snell guidance was additionally sought as to whether questions and comments from a citizen who was not on the agenda and from another community should be included on meeting minutes.
General business
  • Public education opportunities on Wind.
The Winter Island/ Willows public meeting was reported on by Jeff Barz-Snell and Paul Marquis for those who could not attend.  It was well attended, poorly moderated, there was a lack of civility towards the city presenters, and a hired lawyer who is known for fighting wind (Senie) presented the opposing side, rather than the original stated presenter- Kevin Harvey.  There was sense of heightened animosity, but overall it was thought that may have hurt the opponents more than helped them since folks who wanted to hear a reasoned and fair argument left embarrassed for the behavior of their neighbors.
The following opportunities were identified and discussed briefly.
  • Neighborhood meetings (smaller meeting seem to allow for further dialogue and answering of questions). Should seek opportunities for both home types and thru neighborhood associations.
  • City Council letter (C. Keegan agreed to submit letter to City Councilors offering our assistance and willingness to respond to their and their constituents questions on the wind project)
  • Report to City Council in January.  (C. Keegan agreed to include in letter to Councilors a proposal to report to them in January on the RETF activities to date.)
  • Additional acoustic analyses for wind proposal.
  • Further discussions have been underway to review the completed and proposed additional acoustic analysis methodology.  Goal would be to conduct further analysis in February, if methodology and funding can be resolved.  Would like to allow opportunity for opponents to observe study in order to be as transparent as possible.
  • Green Communities Home Energy Conservation Program update (“Salem EEKO Team”)
  • Council on Aging event: 12/6/11 2pm-4pm.
  • CFL swap (bring bulbs in for trade at City Planning Dept.)
  • Planning 20 mini home efficiency projects.
  • Planning 4 “signature” home weatherization project events
  • Green Communities lighting project update
  • DPW and Library underway in early December.
  • Police and Fire to be completed by December 15.
  • Subcommittees- Assigning tasks and leaders
Jenna Ide proposed that we begin operating with subcommittees in order to keep the primary meeting brief and increase our effectiveness.  She proposed the following subcommittees and passed a sheet around for signups.  The results were as follows:
  • Executive Committee:  Develop recommended procedures, schedules, membership, etc. (Jeff Barz-Snell, Cindy Keegan, Rick Nye)
  • Policy Committee: Review City regulations and ordinances.  Develop policy recommendations. Research & obtain funding. (Jeff Brandt, John Hayes, Rick Nye)
  • Outreach/Events Committee: Develop outreach strategy for wind, events, energy projects.  Help coordinate, organize events and educational materials.  (Jeff Barz-Snell, Adam Segal, Jenna Ide)
  • Projects Committee: Wind turbine project, Climate Action Plan, Green Communities Act projects, EE projects, etc.  (Adam Segal, John Hayes, Cindy Keegan)
  • Future Meetings
  • Discussion of typical cancellation of December meeting (Dec 15th scheduled date)
  • Agenda items not discussed: None.
  • Additional items discussed: None.
  • Votes Taken: Voted to cancel December meeting (unanimous).
Documents discussed or offered as exhibits: none.

Action items arising from discussion on 11-17-11:

  • Executive Committee: Address issues of new membership and recommend volunteers for subcommittees.  Talk with members who have had limited participation regarding their term, if other people are interested in volunteering.
  • Policy Committee: Develop recommended updates for council meeting in January.
  • Outreach Committee:  Pull together list of outreach materials for upcoming neighborhood meetings.  List events for upcoming 12 months.
  • Projects Committee: Develop proposed scope of work for acoustic study if commissioned.
  • C. Keegan to write letter to City Councilors regarding offer of assistance and request for opportunity to report to council on RETF activities.

Meeting Minutes recorded by Cindy Keegan.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm